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When you miss giveaway of Wise Folder Hider, try to use below codes to get direct 60% discount:
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Yareli Wagner
2 Reviews23 Jan, 2024
This giveaway is phenomenal! The download was smooth and safe.
22 people marked this review as helpful. HelpfulIf you are looking for a proper tool to encrypt or hide files & folders, you’ve got to a look at Wise Folder Hider Pro. Just like its name, Wise Folder Hider Pro is a professional file/folder hidden & encryption tool that is designed to hide, encrypt personal files, documents, photos, videos, emails, and other personal data from your PC. With its help, you can prevent your data from pry eyes and avoid sensitive data from theft.
Not only does using hide files & folders but this powerful tool also is used to hide USB drives. With easily one click, you can easily hide and set a password to protect your personal file and folders on the USB stick.
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