
Mastering Cloud Audits and Compliance: A Guide with Tenable Cloud Security

Although it may appear difficult, achieving and upholding compliance in the cloud is feasible and even pleasurable with the appropriate strategy and resources. The difficulties that cloud audits and compliance present will be discussed in this article, along with how Tenable Cloud Security can make the procedure simple.

Securing Cloud Workloads and Ensuring Compliance: A Manual Challenge

Ensuring the security of running workloads in the public cloud and meeting compliance standards is crucial for organizations. However, the manual, time-consuming nature of gathering visibility, mapping, and monitoring capabilities often leads to delays and anxiety for security and compliance teams.

Turning Challenges into Opportunities with Tenable Cloud Security

Tenable Cloud Security offers a solution to the known dilemma of audit and compliance in cloud infrastructure. In this article, we’ll examine the difficulties associated with cloud-based compliance and access security and demonstrate how security experts may simplify the procedure by employing the appropriate tools and techniques.

The Complexity of Cloud Compliance

While compliance may seem straightforward, achieving it in the cloud is far from filling out a few forms. The abstract nature of many regulatory standards requires organizations to accomplish goals without clear instructions. Security and compliance teams face difficulties as a result of this variety as well as the multifaceted and dynamic nature of cloud systems.

Navigating the Multidimensional Cloud Environment 

Cloud environments involve various teams and tools, including infrastructure teams, developers, and IAM professionals.  The coordination of these stakeholders will make it more difficult for security teams to estimate the compliance level with industry standards. It is further complicated by the use of several cloud service providers.

Solving Compliance Challenges with CNAPP

Tenable Cloud Security introduces the concept of a Cloud Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP) that addresses infrastructure configuration management, centralized multi-cloud visibility, and customizable reporting. This high-quality solution not only simplifies compliance-related work but also enhances the organization’s security posture according to best practices.

Key Capabilities of an Ideal CNAPP: Balancing Compliance and Security

1. Breadth and Depth of Regulatory Scope:

Covering a wide range of security best practices, Tenable Cloud Security includes benchmarks from reputable bodies such as CIS, ISO, and NIST, as well as industry guidelines like PCI DSS and AICPA SOC Type 2. In order to meet evolving compliance needs, the platform ensures that users can set their own standards.

Breadth and Depth of Regulatory Scope

2. Compliance-Cloud Correlation:

Context is crucial in security and compliance. Tenable Cloud Security allows users to map specific cloud configurations, resources, and activity policies to compliance standards. This granularity facilitates swift remediation using built-in automation, ensuring adherence to standards such as CSA STAR Program, ISO, and NIST frameworks.

Tenable Cloud Security lets customers map certain rules to industry standards and see how they stand. In the event that policies fail, remediation actions may be issued with ease using chatops processes.

3. Continuous Monitoring:

Tenable Cloud Security ensures real-time visibility into compliance status by constantly checking the entire environment against frameworks and benchmarks.  The vulnerability to potential threats is reduced through this continuous monitoring, providing updated information and priority analysis.

Updated and ranked discoveries from all throughout the environment are displayed on the main dashboard of Tenable Cloud Security. These findings include compliance mapping, open findings, and toxic combinations that are most likely to be exploited by an attacker.

4. Flexible Reporting:

Demonstrating compliance to auditors becomes seamless with Tenable Cloud Security’s flexible reporting capabilities. From showcasing the security posture of the entire organization to drilling down into specific accounts and projects, the platform allows users to generate compliance reports for both internal and external audits.

Tenable Cloud Security’s SOC-2 automated compliance report. Users may obtain customized in-product compliance reports that link critical remedial recommendations and compliance requirements with security findings.


Streamlining compliance with the Tenable Cloud Security In order to comply with cloud, these guidelines need to be translated into a set of coherent cloud architecture solutions. By providing a full set of features, such as continuous monitoring, correlation between compliance clouds and flexibility in reporting, Tenable Cloud Security makes it easier to do that. To gain trust in the security audits, to lower compliance requirements and to ensure a secure cloud environment, you can rely on Tensible Cloud Security.

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1. What is cloud compliance?

Complying with industry rules, local, national, and international laws, and regulatory requirements that regulate the use of cloud services are all part of cloud compliance.

2. Why is cloud audit important?

In order to ensure that data and applications housed in the cloud are safe from theft and unauthorized access, cloud audits are essential. Businesses may safely store their apps and data on the cloud thanks to the fair platform that cloud providers give.

3. What are the requirements for Tenable cloud security?

The following outlines the system prerequisites for Tenable Cloud Security. A virtual machine or system meeting the specified minimum requirements is essential, including 4 GB RAM and a 20 GB Solid State Drive (SSD).