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Giveaway: Folder Marker Home – Free Download

Giveaway: Folder Marker Home

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This is the Official Giveaway download from Foldermarker! Act quickly as this limited-key giveaway may closed before the scheduled end of the campaign.

Giveaway keys & download link

How to get Free License Key Folder Marker Home

  • Go to the giveaway page. Sign up for the newsletter to get the Folder Marker Home license key:
Adriel Weaver

Adriel Weaver: "This giveaway is phenomenal! The download was smooth and safe."

Terms and conditions

Please be aware that the software you download and install through the our Giveaway comes with the following notes:

  • Non-commercial use;
  • No free updates;
  • No free tech support;

About Folder Marker Home

Changing the default color folder is a clever way to create a personalized organizational system. Sure you can use the Folder Marker Home software to help you quickly distinguish between various types of folders or projects. Folder Marker Home is a good-looking folder icon color changer software for Windows 11/10 that helps you change the colors and images icon for folders in Windows with just one click. By customizing, you will easily search and categorize personal documents.

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